Daddy in Deerstand

In light of Missouri Republicans proposing a pregnancy registry to track pregnant females, what is next? Blood hound GPS tracking collars? You could hunt deer and track your pregnant woman. You could even post your captures on X! You never know what that girl might do while you in your deer stand sit. Keepin’ her out of shoes makes it a fair chase. Girls are faster runners due to all their free time, not workin’ and all. To save money, DOGE would add a pregnancy tag to the existing Game and Fish app. Season is limited to 9 months. https://thehill.com/homenews/state-watch/5151439-missouri-bill-registry-pregnant-women-abortion/

The Privacy Hunt

Papa Goes Hunting

My next blog will discuss the importance of protecting our freedoms and the privileges associated with freedom, such as privacy. As I consider this, we are parked in an RV park in Birmingham, AL. Today we visited the 16th Street Baptist Church where four black children died in a church bombings. Reflecting on the rights of women and people of color, may we be reminded of the St. Paul’s words, “Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery” (Galatians 5:1).

What’s Next,

Pastor Jim

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