Step One: Design a replacement for the failed 401(k) Plan.
Professor Daniel Hemel, University of Chicago Law School, presents a viable option –

Professor Hemel’s retirement plan, as published by ThinkAdvisor, borrows the same model used by members of congress and other Federal employees: “A public option in the form of the Thrift Savings Plan, currently offered to members of Congress and other federal employees. Its fees total only 3 basis points per year.”
Step Two: Give all employees shares in the corporation with profit sharing. Instead of “Trickle Down,” … develop “Walk Together” economics!

One example of a corporation’s “Walk Together Economy” is Costco, as the Seattle Times wrote, “Costco employees, 90 percent of whom are paid hourly, make on average about $22.50 an hour, Galanti said. Both full- and part-time employees have access to medical, dental, and vision insurance at a cost of more than $10,000 a year, 90 percent of which the company pays.”
Step Three: A “One Time Student Loan Amnesty” … to end the silent national emergency crippling our young people.
Step Four: Globalize prescription drug sales, creating a fair market, allowing patients to fill prescriptions online.
Is this not fundamental to Adam Smith’s economic theory? One full-time RV’er described her experience in Mexico –
Step Five: Allow taxpayers to write off medical tourism to seek medical treatment in another country.
As shared by CBS below –
step 6: beyond the wall- create a north american INTER-OCEANIC Trade and Security Corridor
After politicians will solve the immediate US Border security issues, what’s next? Beyond “The Wall” the U.S. needs a safety corridor, that strengthens the economy of the U.S., Guatemala and Mexico by creating an improved inland version of the Panama Canal, turning the three countries into “super trade partners” on the world’s stage. The U.S. could build in “The Corridor” a Customs and Immigration “Super Port of Entry,” which would take the pressure off of the Southern Border and provide managed immigration from Central America. Mexico, after all, is the U.S.’s third largest trading partner. This is what China and Russia fear, hoping we would wall ourselves off from the world’s economy and go bankrupt. http://www.ipsnews.net/…/guatemala-future-interoceanic-cor…/
The U.S. could tap “Summit,” the world’s fastest computer at Oak Ridge National Lab, to develop the vast economic model for the “nation building” project. https://www.energy.gov/articles/summit-supercomputer-ranked-fastest-computer-world

Could Russia be involved beyond election meddling and actively attempting to destabilize Mexico’s relationship with the U.S.? https://carnegieendowment.org/2018/05/03/russia-playing-geopolitical-game-in-latin-america-pub-76228

You have just heard, for the first time, the principles of “Walk Together Economics.”
I am not a politician, just one voice in the desert crying, “Walk together!” Jesus spoke openly of economic issues of his day, while avoiding being claimed by any one political party. Jesus blessed the poor (Luke 6:20). He praised the poor widow who came and put in two small copper coins (Mark 12:41-44). He cleansed the lepers, the socioeconomic outcasts (Luke 17:11-19). A survey of the Gospels shows that the spirituality of Jesus manifested itself through “Kingdom Economics,” by which the poor become rich and the rich poo. The blind see while the sighted choose to “turn a blind eye.” Jesus’s Gospel calls spiritual communities to walk together in a transformative “Kingdom Economic.” In the name of “separation of church and state,” too many churches have defaulted on their call to engage the economy in the name of Christ. Meanwhile, other Christians have embraced empty politics, which produces no meaningful change toward the Kingdom Economy. Jesus never entertained the question, “Which is better -a Sadducee or a Pharisee?” Rather, He taught about what it meant to be a neighbor.
The song, “Walk Together Children,” by the Issacs, captures the spirit of this “Kingdom Economy” –
“the voice of one crying in the wilderness …”
“Dissent is the birthplace of dialogue.”
– Pastor Jim