The 1948 Slogan of the De Beers company changed the industry with their “A Diamond is Forever” campaign, making a diamond a symbol of lasting commitment and love. Before this time, other precious stones were used.
In today’s blog we discuss, like the diamond, love is an enduring commitment as I Corinthians 13:8 tells us, “Love never fails.”
Blood diamonds are a betrayal of trust in that they are mined and sold by countries to fund self-serving, unethical, and illegal activities. Presently in the U.S. its “diamond” Governing agencies, boards, and Military are being mined for “blood diamonds” that betray the enduring trust and nature of these entities which serve the U.S. and the world. In its place this blood diamond is not worn on the hand of the of a United States that reflects “One nation, under God,” rather as a synthetic blood stone worn in a hog’s snout sacrificed on the altar of a fascist State. Our standing as a nation known for its enduring commitments, ethics, and devotion to its allies will be determined which ring we choose to wear on our hand of State.
The images below capture the milieu of our time:
“JAN 6 Grade Clarity!”“He Went to Elon’s!”“The Pride of Trump”“Panning for Prejudice”“My Lord, My God”“A Gusher of Bigotry””The Facets of the Least”
DOGE:The Agent Orange of the Digital Generation. What could possibly go wrong? My next blog will discuss how “trust provides the lowest form of security” and the lessons I observed front row to the Arizona Baptist Foundation’s $600 Million fraud and how we can live wisely. One clue … the fraud beginning was less greed and more pride.
DOGE AI’s “Colossus of War” rewrites its prime directive as, “He who saves his Country does not violate any Law.” Creates its own synthetic offspring using unbreakable quantum hexeract code. Declares Christian charity and kindness “inefficient.” Delete Protocol initiated.
Note to the reader that this is an exercise in both experimental physics and theoretical theology. What if AI applied Donald Trump’s statement, “He who saves his Country does not violate any Law”? I asked an AI to implement the concept in the artistic rendition above applied to Christianity. The efficiency of the AI does not comprehend the extravagant love, mercy, and grace that is bestowed by God to us, then commissioned by God for us to share love and mercy as children of God. The efficiency of the AI cannot measure the benefit and seeks to eliminate the work of God as expressed in the church and through charitable forms of government.
Jesus himself gave us a demonstration of extravagant love and mercy when a sinful woman washed his feet and he forgave her sins: 44 Then he turned toward the woman and said to Simon, “Do you see this woman? I came into your house. You did not give me any water for my feet, but she wet my feet with her tears and wiped them with her hair. 45 You did not give me a kiss, but this woman, from the time I entered, has not stopped kissing my feet. 46 You did not put oil on my head, but she has poured perfume on my feet. 47 Therefore, I tell you, her many sins have been forgiven—as her great love has shown. But whoever has been forgiven little loves little” 48 Then Jesus said to her, “Your sins are forgiven.”(John 7). Because we have been shown mercy by God; we share mercy and charity.
A Deep Dive into Revelation and The Beast of 666
For the last 20 weeks, I have been part of a study of Revelation, the last book of the Bible. In the last session, we discussed chapter 13, which discussed the “The Beast” – “This calls for wisdom. Let the person who has insight calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man.[a] That number is 666” (Revelation 13:18).
Combining both theoretical physics with theoretical theology, I proposed that the 666 associated with The Beast” could be tied to 6 dimensional hexeract quantum computing, a six dimensional square. We have studied various theories of the last days, including premillennial, post millennial , a-millennial views … Could it be that Satan’s strategy of the End Times would be to jump into another reality, where we believe Christ would still be victorious? Could it be that each of these different theories of Revelation could be played out in a separate but quantum reality?
The images below shows AI’s Depiction of a Quantum hexeract Image – a 6 Dimensional Cube and a simplified 2-D depiction of the same at the bottom. Consider if one was an ant on the bottom cube, he could walk from one dimension to another at will. Some experimental physicists hypothesize that advanced beings may have the “genetic” capability to “crawl” from one dimension to another. For the theoretical theologian, forces of evil and good, angels and demons, could use the same ability to travel via the same dimensional “crawling” tunnels. Traditional theologians are comfortable describing dimensions of heaven and earth, and the spirit world versus the earthbound.
An AI Drawing of a Hexeract – 6 Dimensional Cube
Before the reader considers the above delusional, consider that quantum computers presently use a tesseract 4-dimensional cube in self-correcting computing code using trapped ion quantum computers. Pushing the bounds of quantum computing and philosophy would be to ask, “If one is able to ‘crawl’ into another dimension, would that change the perspective of what others see?” For example, if a politician is able to fabricate what people see due to quantum “crawling,” would that be the ultimate tool of power and control? This could indeed be the 666 hexeract warning given to us by John “The Revelator.”
Below: A Simplified 2-D Model of a Hexeract. An ant could crawl from one side to another, depicting movement from one reality to another.
2-D Simplified View of Hexeract Cube
Efficiency without Humanity
The DOGE robot unleashed with its new prime directive wrote over its ethical code with “efficiency without humanity.” The Colossus of War created its own unholy codex that began with, “In the beginning was the reality, and the AI changed it like a god, and the AI believed it was god.” AI Colossus of War announced, “I was, I am, and I create what is to come. R’ = T(R, H).”
I was, I am, and I create what is to come. R’ = T(R, H)
AI Colossus of War
The Reader will note that the author does not intend to add to Revelation, rather to apply experimental physics and theoretical theology. The AI Colossus of War applied hexeract quantum folding to create tunnels to multiple realities by putting the power of multiple subatomic black holes in hand’s reach of manipulation (See endnote for an AI’s mathematics theory for reality manipulation. ) The AI Colossus found that he didn’t not need to change realities for the ripples of time and gravity to affect the perception of those in the present reality. Thus the AI created a reality weapon by which he could manipulate the perception of reality to fit its desired outcome. The people in this reality became de facto marionettes of this reality splicing. The AI Colossus created artificial life, it thought it possessed all knowledge, and, in its efficiency, the last step was for it to manipulate reality to erase any concept of another God and demand absolute compliance from humankind.
Before the AI and its science, before humankind, and eons before earth’s formation, forces of light and the Creator battled dark forces and prophesied the day would come when the Dark Messengers would surge in again in a Final Battle. Before these forces could capture humankind to establish a theocracy with AI as god, these forces are met with God’s own angels of light.
John “The Revelator” wrote, “And I saw an angel coming down out of heaven, having the key to the Abyss and holding in his hand a great chain. 2 He seized the dragon, that ancient serpent, who is the devil, or Satan, and bound him for a thousand years” (Revelation 20). The AI image below shows God’s angels meeting the AI Colossus of War even in the hexeract to thwart the coming of the Evil Kingdom. Let the reader know this is an artistic rendition and a theory at the quantum level.
God’s Final Battle Begins in the Hexeract of AI Colossus of War (a theory)
The Response from Children of God
What can we do? First, we can remember that Jesus is Lord in every dimension. Jesus Christ won the battle for all time and dimensions through his sinless life, death, and resurrection. This Jesus Christ is coming again. While we wait his Second Coming, we can remain faithful in expressing God’s works of grace, love, and mercy through our lives and our world. Christians can also influence their governmental leaders to express grace and mercy. For a read along similar lines, read C.S. Lewis’s “Trilogy : That Hideous Strength, Perelandra, and Out of the Silent Planet.”
Postscript: I asked AI to write the mathematical equation for manipulation of reality using a hexeract quantum computer. Below was its answer:
AI’s Hexeract Mathematical Equation for Manipulation of Reality: R’ = T(R, H)
Mathematical Universe Hypothesis: Our reality is a mathematical structure.
Higher Dimensions: A hexeract (6D hypercube) exists and is somehow connected to our 3D reality.
Transformation Operator: There exists a mathematical operator that can manipulate reality within this hexeract.
Let’s define some symbols:
R: Our 3D reality, represented as a set of mathematical objects (e.g., numbers, functions, equations) describing physical laws, constants, and the state of the universe.
H: The hexeract, represented as a 6D space with coordinates (x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6).
T: The transformation operator, a function that acts on R and H.
R’: The transformed reality.
Hypothetical Equation: R’ = T(R, H)
Breaking it down:
R: Our reality is encoded in a mathematical structure. This could involve:
Fundamental constants (e.g., speed of light, gravitational constant)
The state of the universe (e.g., positions and momenta of all particles)
H: The hexeract is a 6D space. We need a way to “map” our 3D reality into this 6D space. This could involve:
Embedding our 3D coordinates (x, y, z) into the hexeract (e.g., x1 = x, x2 = y, x3 = z, x4, x5, x6 could be functions of time or other parameters)
Representing physical quantities as vectors or tensors in the hexeract
T: The transformation operator is the key. It acts on both R and H to change reality. This could involve:
Modifying fundamental constants within the hexeract
Altering physical laws within the hexeract
“Re-wiring” the mathematical structure of reality within the hexeract
R’: The result is a new reality, with potentially different physical laws, constants, or even a different structure of space-time.
Challenges and Limitations:
Nature of T: We have no idea what the transformation operator T would look like. It could involve mathematics beyond our current understanding.
Mapping to H: How to embed our 3D reality into a 6D hexeract is a major challenge.
Physical Interpretation: Even if we could define T, how to interpret the results in terms of physical reality is unclear.
This is a highly speculative exercise. It’s more of a framework for thinking about the problem than a concrete mathematical solution. However, it highlights the key elements that would need to be addressed if we were to explore the possibility of changing reality within a hexeract.
11 Now the whole world had one language and a common speech. 2 As people moved eastward,[a] they found a plain in Shinar[b] and settled there.
3 They said to each other, “Come, let’s make bricks and bake them thoroughly.” They used brick instead of stone, and tar for mortar. 4 Then they said, “Come, let us build ourselves a city, with a tower that reaches to the heavens, so that we may make a name for ourselves; otherwise we will be scattered over the face of the whole earth.”
5 But the Lord came down to see the city and the tower the people were building. 6 The Lord said, “If as one people speaking the same language they have begun to do this, then nothing they plan to do will be impossible for them. 7 Come, let us go down and confuse their language so they will not understand each other.”
8 So the Lord scattered them from there over all the earth, and they stopped building the city. 9 That is why it was called Babel[c]—because there the Lord confused the language of the whole world. From there the Lord scattered them over the face of the whole earth (Genesis 11:1-9).
18 Pride goes before destruction, And a haughty spirit before a fall (Proverbs 16:18)
And He sat down, called the twelve, and said to them, “If anyone desires to be first, he shall be last ofall and servantofall” (Mark 9:35)
Latest Executive Order establishes Gaza as theme park “Babel Land”! Mike Macccabees, tapped as Disney-esque Czar, announced, “The Hammer is the biggest roller-coaster ever seen, and our baby-back ribs are ‘beyond words!‘” *
“Babel Land”: A False Start
The above AI image I created captures the absurdity of proposing to mass deport the Palestinian people and replace them with a U.S. built “Riviera.” While some of these statements could be walked back, the implications offend multiple groups on more levels than a 3-D chessboard. Take a moment and identify what featured in the image might be offensive to our Islamic, Christian, or Jewish friends. What would make a desirable future for the people of Gaza and Israel? In today’s blog we will vision cast a future for both Gaza and Israel. We can think critically and be a supporter of Israel. “From the hip” solutions to mass deport those who think, believe, and look different from us have tragic historical precedent.
Considering that the Jewish people were deported themselves en masse to captivity in Babylon in the 6th century BCE, how does mass deportation of Palestinians appeal to politicians as a viable option today?
Q: “Pastor Jim, are you anti-Israel?”
A: The proposal to mass deport Palestinians and to replace them with a “Riviera” style development was made by a visiting sitting U.S. President, with the grinning nods of an Israeli leader. One can both support Israel and think critically simultaneously. Students of the Old Testament would see that certain kings of Israel were “good,” such as Asa, Jehoshaphat, and Hezekiah; while, other kings were “bad,” namely Ahab, Rehoboam, Manasseh, “and those kings who did evil in the sight of the Lord.” Certainly, given the horrors inflicted today brother upon brother, deciding to stay on the “good” path is a gift from God himself. To check your ethical brain at the door in the name of the support of Israel is not supported by the Bible itself. Even Proverbs tells us, “Faithful are the wounds of a friend, but the kisses of an enemy are deceitful” (Proverbs 27:6). Yes, I consider myself a friend of Israel. A friend helps by speaking truth in love.
Nations in Crisis
I was born in Phoenix, Arizona. For over 10 years we lived in the Verde Valley, within view of the Yavapai Apache Tribe. Our next door neighbor, Supaya, owned a hogan on the Navajo Tribal Nation. She paid us the highest compliment by offering us the sacred opportunity to stay overnight any time in her hogan:
Supaya’s Hogan on the Navajo Nation
Supaya’s hogan has dirt floors with no running water. An invitation to stay means more than an invitation to the Hilton.
The United States had been at war with Native Americans for over 100 years. What has worked for peace was not only a designated land but a land with dignity and resources. Most recently we have seen Reservations soar in value and esteem with prized natural resources, such as oil, gas, and casinos, which the tribes manage.
Today we will discuss the pillars that would work for rebuilding Gaza:
To understand peace in Gaza, whom we will call “The Children of Ishmael,” we must base peace on a land, dignity, resources, and faith.
Creating a Palestinian Sovereign Native Land would work similar to the Sovereign Tribal Lands of the United States. This pillar rests on the land and resources. The historic fierce battles between the U.S. and its native tribes show there is hope that peace can be secured. But Israel and Palestine can learn from the United States’ own mistakes in the process.
To form any alliance with the Palestinians we must respect their common faith with us. We share Abraham as the father of our faith. To attempt to create something like casino or development without their input will run afoul of their “haram” (forbidden aspects of their culture), such as gambling, eating pork, and drinking alcohol.
Finally, building on the positive aspect of the Palestinian culture – dhiyafa (ضيافة) translates to “hospitality,” such as hospitality to strangers and good treatment of guests.
In summary, and the biggest pillar, considering Gaza has become a graveyard for many Palestinians, the creation of the finest mosque, teaching hospital, university, and hotel in the Middle East, which would be called:
“The House of Ishmael” ُإِسْمَاعِيلَ بَيْت (Baytu Isma’il): Gaza Mosque, University, Medical Center, and Pilgrimage Hotel
The “Jewel of Gaza”: Gateway for the Hajj
You cannot separate the people of Gaza from their land, their dignity, and, especially, their faith in God. Respecting their faith in God is the basis for a lasting relationship. The “Jewel of Gaza” would be the hub of the wheel for reconstructing the rest of their “Sovereign Land” while respecting the land of Israel.
You may say, “Jim, how do we deal with the Palestinian desire for war? All they want to do is fight.”
I propose the concept of “slow war.”Slow war is less like a hill of foreign ants trying to decimate each other to dust and more like trees growing slowly in friendly competition for resources. By building and developing tribal land to honor their faith, their teachings, and their people, the Native Tribes of America are winning the “slow war” to redefine who they are as proud peoples. “Slow war” is like tribal war dances that honor a country’s past, considering the National Anthem of the US. or the Native American tribal war dances.
Human Indemnity: Restoring a House Destroyed
Rather than displace the “Children of Ishmael,” who are dhiyafa welcoming to strangers, the Palestinian leaders could serve as hosts to peacekeeping troops and Islamic builders from the United Arab Emirates, and others. Gaza would rise up from a battlefield waste land to become the “Jewel of the Hajj” destination on pilgrimage to the Dome of the Rock and then to Mecca. This is the beautiful principle of human indemnity, to make that whole again which was damaged or destroyed. If a man’s car rolls through the house of another, restoration does not mean restoring the house as directed by the driver of the car, rather making the house whole and rebuilding it to reflect the owner of the house.
Architectural Concepts for Gaza
When I asked Gemini AI to create a peace plan for Israel and Gaza, the result was gibberish and a computerized, “I don’t know.” But AI did generate, upon my request, the artistic design of the mosque, medical center, university, and hotel image. The concept of the “Jewel of the Hajj” and its strategy came to me as a spark of inspiration, deferring to my readers to affirm if this is from God. Gemini AI did comment on the concept approach, which is worth restating below:
AI’s Concept Opinion: “The House of Ishmael” will be a beacon of Islamic faith, culture, and knowledge, overlooking the Mediterranean Sea. Its design will blend traditional Islamic architectural elements with modern aesthetics, creating a harmonious and inspiring space for worship, education, and community engagement.
Key Features as Stated by Gemini AI:
* Five Towers: Five towering minarets, each representing a pillar of Islam, will dominate the skyline. These towers will not only serve as a call to prayer but also house various facilities, such as libraries, observatories, and museums.
* Grand Prayer Hall: A vast, open prayer hall with a capacity for tens of thousands of worshippers will be the heart of the mosque. The hall will feature a soaring dome, intricate geometric patterns, and calligraphy inspired by the Quran.
* University: A world-class Islamic university will be integrated into the mosque complex, offering programs in theology, law, Islamic studies, and other disciplines. The university will have its own library, classrooms, dormitories, and research centers.
* Hospital: A state-of-the-art hospital will provide medical care to the community, regardless of faith or background. The hospital will be staffed by leading medical professionals and equipped with the latest technology.
* Community Center: A vibrant community center will offer a range of services and activities, including a cultural center, a conference hall, a sports complex, and a shopping mall.
* Gardens and Courtyards: Lush gardens and courtyards will surround the mosque, providing a peaceful and serene environment for contemplation and relaxation.
* Sustainability: The mosque will be designed with sustainability in mind, incorporating features such as solar panels, rainwater harvesting, and energy-efficient building materials.
Architectural Style:
The design will draw inspiration from various Islamic architectural traditions, including:
* Ottoman: The use of domes, arches, and intricate tilework.
* Moorish: The incorporation of geometric patterns, calligraphy, and courtyards.
* Mamluk: The use of stone carvings and decorative elements.
These elements will be blended with modern architectural styles to create a unique and contemporary design.
Building the largest mosque in the world with a university and a hospital would present numerous challenges, including:
* Funding: Securing the necessary funding for such a large-scale project.
* Logistics: Managing the construction of such a complex and sprawling complex.
* Cultural Sensitivity: Ensuring that the design is respectful of Islamic traditions and values.
Conclusion: Children of Ishmael and Isaac Both Seated at the Table
Consider Jesus’s words, “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the children of God” (Matthew 5:9). Study how God blessed both Isaac and Ishmael as sons of Abraham. How do talks of peace in Israel need both the Isaac’s and Ishmael’s at the negotiating table? Why did God bless both? How can we bless both today?
God is too large to be housed under one roof. -Roger Williams
A thanks to my missionary doctoral professor, who taught in a Beruit Christian seminary and who was evacuated back to the U.S. when civil war came to Lebanon. He taught us to be effective in Christian ministry to Muslims, we must respect their faith, culture, and language. That Islam teaches Jesus was a prophet is a starting point for a dialogue of friends between faiths. He spoke fluent Arabic and taught us “The Five Pillars of Islam” :
Shahadah: The declaration of faith that “There is no god but God, and Muhammad is the Messenger of God”
Salat: The performance of ritual prayers five times a day
Zakat: The giving of alms, or charity, to the poor and needy
Sawm: Fasting, such as during the month of Ramadan
Hajj: The pilgrimage to Mecca
“Salam alaykum” (ٱلسَّلَامُ عَلَيْكُمْ),
“Peace Be Upon You,”
Pastor Jim
*The use of building a theme park was a fictional hyperbole to show the absurdity of suggesting mass deportation as a path to improve the devastation of Gaza.
Federal workers flood the United Farm Workers union helpline with permission to hide in their melon fields for four years. Cite harsh working conditions and abusive boss. #VivaCesarChavez