There's a rumor that Apple was fined for slow, old iPhone users. Where do I get my check? I knew there was a plus to being old and slow!
Religious Freedom … from Government
The root of religious freedom burrows deep and free from Government and its control of religion
Pastor Jim
Rhode Island was founded by those who rejected a church model that mixed in King and Government controls. “Williams felt that the religion he practiced must be free from any influence of the Church of England and the English king.”
Borderline Personalities
Border tunnel discovered at Los Algodones, with LED lighting, handrails and handicapped restrooms. Used by US seniors who seek prescription drugs and dental care in Mexico.
“Stick the Landing”: Exiting a Ministry with Grace
Exit, Stage Left!
Before dashing offscreen to make an escape or run an errand, Snagglepuss announces the move in the form of a theatrical stage direction, saying “Exit, stage left!” (or “right,” as the case may be, or “up” or “down” even). “Stage left” is the left of the stage from the actor’s perspective. Snagglepuss added the word “even” for dramatic effect. Snagglepuss’s calling revolved around his exit. So, let’s talk about our exit, even!
Called to lead by our exit
The most overlooked transition of Christian ministry is the exit. Jesus set the example of “sacrificial exit.” Even our Lord’s baptism describes immediately after the Spirit descended on Jesus, the same Spirit took Jesus into the wilderness for “the Test”-
The Test
16-17 The moment Jesus came up out of the baptismal waters, the skies opened up and he saw God’s Spirit—it looked like a dove—descending and landing on him. And along with the Spirit, a voice: “This is my Son, chosen and marked by my love, delight of my life.” 4 1-3 Next Jesus was taken into the wild by the Spirit for the Test. The Devil was ready to give it. Jesus prepared for the Test by fasting forty days and forty nights. (Matthew 3 & 4, The Message)
As Jesus demonstrated in his own life and ministry, he explained our purpose in life – “I tell you the solemn truth, unless a kernel of wheat falls into the ground and dies, it remains by itself alone. But if it dies, it produces much grain.”(John 12:24 NET)
In my first pastorate, while riding my bike one day some three miles from the parsonage to the church, I looked out on a hundred empty and plowed acres. An impression came over me that, “Jim, your work is done here. Someone else will build the church beyond here.” Looking back now thirty years, those acres have now been built up by subdivisions, but it took years for that development to happen … and for the church to develop with it.
A few weeks after the bike ride and as I sat in my church office, Brother Joe stopped by. Brother Joe served as former pastor of my church with a broad smile and a concurrent career in an Army Reserve artillery unit. That day he wore his uniform. In the course of the conversation, Joe said, “You know Jim, in churches I served, I stayed as long as I felt God was leading me. And when it was time to go … I went.”
Joe didn’t know that I had been resisting the Spirit’s prompting to force my own timing until all the unknown pieces were in place. A few weeks later, I listened to the Spirit and tendered my resignation, with no place of service lined up.
Exiting a ministry with Grace
Just as the most difficult part of a gymnastic beam routine is “sticking the landing,” so is a gracious exit of a completed ministry. The idea of a gymnastic dismount is landing on both feet and free of injury. Multi-gold-medalist, Simone Biles perfected the dismount to the extent that “The Biles” landing was coined after her, which she does multiple flips and lands evenly on both feet.
One of the mysteries in my ministry is that the movement from one ministry to the next has been more like falling out of a tree rather than a fluid move from one place of service to the next. I tried denominational networking, church job postings, and online postings only to determine that God directed and provided along the way – more like surface streets with detours than a nonstop Interstate.
One of the mysteries in my ministry is that the movement from one ministry to the next has been more like falling out of a tree rather than a fluid move from one place of service to the next.
As senior pastor of three churches and executive pastor of one, the words of The Happy Goodmans’ song rang true:
Well, I started out travellin’ for the Lord many years ago
I’ve had a lot of heartache and I met a lot of grief and woe
But when I would stumble then I would humble down
And there I’d say, I wouldn’t take nothin’ for my journey now
“I Wouldn’t Take Nothin’ For My Journey Now”
-The Happy Goodman’s
The problem is that as you are called to serve God and help people, the conflict and pain arising from the very people you came to serve can become a palpable grief. A pastor’s circle of friends can be those in the church he or she serves. In my case, I lived in two church owned parsonages, which is an excellent cost-saving device for providing housing for pastors, especially in an area where housing costs lay beyond the reach of the clergy. The downside is that when pastors leave a church with this type of housing, they leave their housing behind as well. A church resignation can mean the loss of your friends, your housing and the school where your children attend due to possible relocation. A senior pastor lives constantly with the sense that some people are upset or angry with him or her. At times it’s hard to judge whether this comes from a harmless vocal few or whether it’s time to leave that ministry. This can create a paralyzing anxiety and fear of making friends in the church. If you’ve served long enough to see a close friend leave your church over your leadership, then you know the pain of which I speak.
help, have you seen my civil rights?
You’re over 5o and your kids are grown. The church really misses having a pastor whose kids comprise the nursery and the Sunday School. So, the leaders give you two weeks notice to vacate your position and parsonage. Say you are diagnosed with cancer and the leaders want a younger, healthier version. You divorce and find, not only have you lost your marriage, but now you are out of a job. As an ordained minister, you have no civil rights under U.S. Title VII – discrimination on the basis of race, age, sex, disability, national origin. This is called the “ministerial exemption” and a huge reason to print and file my blog.
As an ordained clergy in a progressive denomination, I watched an outstanding Asian colleague ready to take the pastorate of a flagship retirement community church. Members of that church couldn’t tolerate the concept of “one of those” standing in their pulpit; so, the local leaders gave a wink and moved him out of consideration to do what is “white.” Oops … spell check error … “right.” Denominational leaders would say, “We only try to match the best candidate with the church. Sometimes, there’s not a fit (nod, nod … wink, wink), especially when you look at the annual giving of a flagship church.”
A word to the Assistant Pastor
At the chalkboard, my high school English teacher chided a female student, “That’s not how you abbreviate, “Assistant“! Having served three senior and one executive pastorate, a minister will learn the assistant, associate and executive pastor positions are those which constantly bring up the rear. You won’t see any scholarship funds or church parlors emblazoned with your name. You stand in the back and under the direction of the senior pastor. You may say, “Jim, I’m not under direction, I’m under control of my senior pastor!” That’s right, associate, assistant and executive pastor positions hold the most tenuous position in their ability to stave off a move to eliminate their jobs.
A senior pastor’s decision that you, as assistant pastor, are no longer needed on staff, could mean instant termination. You say, “That’s just wrong. The people love me. I’m really effective.” Yes, all that, but an excellent reason to print and save this blog. You may say, “My senior pastor is like a Saul to me, constantly hurling javelins my direction.” Yes, but while Saul is out fighting battles and hurling other javelins, you sit at home streaming videos and playing the lute. Being comfortable in your position as a support staff and unafraid of the future increases your effectiveness. An associate pastor may wish that he had a different senior pastor, only to find that the replacement pastor wants to choose her own staff and the associate is out and then, “Where is the link to Pastor Jim’s blog?”
An associate or assistant pastorate serves as the closest thing to a church staff grandparent. The assistant pastor receives all the joys but doesn’t have to take the brat home at night. Before you take a position as Asst. Pastor, review with the hiring board and senior pastor terms you must have as discussed in this blog. Put them in writing and enjoy your ministry as a “staff grandparent”! Between senior pastor and executive, hands down the executive position was a lot more enjoyable for me.
Now, before you assistant pastors attack me for my tongue-in-cheek abbreviation of “assistant,” I remember the day a church staffer abbreviated my executive position as Ex Pastor. Was that a prophecy?
Read the Fine Print
A frequently neglected aspect of a pastor’s calling to a church is the contract. Brotherhood Mutual writes, “It pays to carefully study any agreement before you sign it. Having an attorney review important contracts is also a good idea.” A pastor looks at the glowing sanctuary and the smiling congregation and thinks, “I can’t imagine anybody ever wanting to leave such a loving bunch!” As I visited a former pastorate, the pastor who followed me as senior pastor invited me into her study and said, “Jim, when I came here, I wondered why did Jim leave? The people are so loving.” I thought maybe she wanted an explanation, but then she continued. “You need to know,” she said, “I have tendered my resignation mid-year. Now I have insights into why you left.” Rather than bad-mouth the people, I expressed my prayers for God’s hand on her continuing journey, which would take her out of the denomination then, by God’s meandering grace, back in where she would flourish as a leader.
Terms and Conditions
Beyond the obvious of what a church and pastor should include in a contract, let me suggest that the church include terms and conditions that would allow for a gracious exit.
- Measured effectiveness: A discussion of the annual assessment and review process. My prior post regarding doing a survey for worship and preaching effectiveness might be part of this
- Agreed to one-on-ones: annual one-on-one’s with self, spouse, key members of the congregation and with God.
- Affirmation and celebration: another year of ministry contract
- Craft Building: yearly education and renewal
- Severance: taking the high road should the pastor leave by termination.
- Arbitrate – don’t litigate: settling contract disputes
- Sabbatical: a secret for keeping pastors long-term
Measured Effectiveness
Years ago I attended a pastor’s conference at First Baptist Dallas. At one seminar, the leader said, “When you’re the pastor, you have to watch how many of the people are with you.” “If you have 80%, you’re OK.” “If 60% of the people are with you, put your ear to the ground.” “But if the day comes you discover you have 49% support of the congregation, then it’s time to rent a U-Haul.”
The dilemma is that a vocal minority can make a pastor feel like she has 49% support, when actually the support is 93%. How can a pastor determine what the actual support is? In the hiring process, the church and pastor can agree together to implement conditions that would help pastor and church determine the pulse of their ministry together.
One-On-Ones: With Self, Spouse, Church and God
The Risk Manager of a national company for whom I work in the insurance industry, makes it her practice to meet one-on-one with all the employees of our company. From her confidential meetings of fifteen minutes to half hour, she receives unfiltered input from those who work under her direction. This cuts through filtered information that is often incorrect and to protect the interest of those sharing the information. The results are startling.
Annually, schedule time for one-on-one’s beginning with your relationship with God and your family. Have you sacrificed the vitality of the relationship for the busyness of ministry? What does God want to rekindle in your life? How can you make your spouse and children a priority?
Having sat as both church attender and led as pastor, conventional wisdom says that pastors spend more time talking at their congregation than listening to them. When you sit with your Board Chair and then the Lay Leader, take a blank notepad, turn off your cell phone, have no agenda of what “they need to know” and explain 1. This conversation is confidential and 2. I’m here to listen to you regarding anything about the life, ministry and a worship of the church, including your work as church leader. Then just listen and take notes.
From these one-on-ones, you can circle back with God and reflect on what new and effective change will happen in your life and ministry. Yearly agree with your church board that your church will administer a worship survey to consider how to improve preaching and worship. (see my prior post “OverStuffed Sunday” for the preaching and worship survey. The results of this survey are meant only for constructive feedback and mutual determination of God’s direction.
Too many times a pastor develops a bunker mentality to hide from church members’ constructive feedback. This partly due to past wounds inflicted by church members who unloaded their complaints on the pastor to the extent that the minister has developed a “flinch” reflex to avoid anything that puts his or her work under the microscope.
Affirmation and Celebration: Another year of ministry together
If I had my ministry to live over, I would have celebrated more with my people. Rather than dread the criticisms of the annual review, the renewal of another year can be rewarded with a meal together. The church could provide a gift to the pastor of a night away with his family at a local resort. A happy church is a celebrating church. Your designated church photographer could capture moments of ministry throughout the year. A slide show could be played at a pot-luck to capture the previous year’s joy of ministry. This would be a good time to acknowledge the service of other staff and lay leaders. An excellent award to present is an acrylic personally engraved award, such as this one from Crown Awards –

Craft Building
Never quit on Monday! That was my mantra for years as pastor. I always took Friday and Saturday as my “weekend” because if I was going to be depressed on Mondays, I wanted to be paid for it. One particularly stressful Monday, I took a beach chair out to Lake Pleasant, unfolded it and lay prone in almost catatonic state and threw a fishing line in water.
If you feel you are going to quit, take a mental health day. For the stress of the ministry, take all your vacation. Don’t make them “working vacations” because you are Mother Teresa incarnate. Plan a yearly annual conference on preaching, teaching or singing to build your craft.
Two excellent pastor’s schools – 1. Stetson University Pastor’s School and 2. Festival of Homiletics. In my last position, one of us on church staff attended Stetson’s School as I went to Festival of Homiletics.
Of course, a church year would not be complete without attending the annual conference of your faith group. The United Methodists sang “Are We Yet Alive?” Having a career in both the church and the business world, one element that the business world lacks is the fellowship of saints who gather yearly around a common table and celebrate their ministry together. Each year at conference time my mind wafts back over years of those various church “camp meetings.”

“We were promised sufferings. They were part of the program. We were even told, ‘Blessed are they that mourn,’ and I accept it. I’ve got nothing that I hadn’t bargained for. Of course it is different when the thing happens to oneself, not to others, and in reality, not imagination.”
― C.S. Lewis, A Grief Observed
At the beginning of this blog, we discussed our call is one of divine exit. We were not called to build a legacy or an empire but to decrease while “He must increase.” Clergy who bite, scratch and claw to maintain their position have forgotten the art of hanging on by letting go.
One old Baptist pastor had a warring meeting with some dour deacons who questioned his continuing at the church. Brother Coy deflated their threats with, “Gentlemen, I have my air conditioning tools and refrigerant tanks in my truck outside. If you are done with me, I’ll go back to work in refrigeration. If not, let’s continue.” The meeting continued that the deacons knew that the pastor had cultivated his craft not only in the church but in the business world.
Lydia was a seller of purple. Paul made tents. Peter fished. Jesus was a carpenter. During your preparation for ministry, establish one skill or craft in the work-a-day world by which you can support yourself in lean times. You may say, “Jim, I’ve been to seminary and called to the Gospel Ministry. That is my craft.” Yes, and fine and dandy. There once was arguably the best orator in the Southern Baptist world who fit that bill. Yet, he found himself suffocating under the shadow of a long-time pastor emeritus who was “grooming” him to succeed his pastorate. So exasperated this young pastor left that 30,000 member plum position and exchanged it for a job of door-to-door sales of cemetery plots and mausoleum spaces. Eventually God raised Dr. Joel Gregory up, like Joseph out of Potiphar’s subterranean dungeon. Before Gregory’s ascent and descent from his transfiguration at Mt. First Baptist Dallas, I watched, at Gambrell Street Baptist and Travis Avenue Baptist Church, my seminary professors swoon over Gregory like preteens over the young Justin Bieber. Dr. Gregory’s story encouraged me as I, obliged to generate income and pay child support following my second pastorate, created a handyman business called “Rent-A-Hubby.” A few sweltering projects on Phoenix roofs told me I needed a more sheltered “tent making” business; so, I entered the world of insurance adjusting.
Barber, adjuster, accountant, baker, painter – find a skill and cultivate it. Make your ministry your craft and perfect it.
In your contract before you accept the church, consider agreeing with your church for minimum of 90 days’ severance pay (and housing if provided a parsonage) should termination arise. Before you begin your ministry is a time to agree on agreeable terms.
As part of the contract, (along with a Confidentiality Provision) be sure to include a standard Arbitration Agreement-
Any controversy or claim arising out of or relating to this [employment application; employment ADR program; employment contract] shall be settled by arbitration administered by the American Arbitration Association under its Employment Arbitration Rules and Mediation Procedures and judgment upon the award rendered by the arbitrator(s) may be entered in any court having jurisdiction thereof. - American Arbitration Association
You may say, “Jim, we just love Jesus and that’s all we need.” Yes, you love Jesus, but Jesus is not going to pay your legal fees in a sustained lawsuit over breach of contract. One local church, its pastors, officers and their families were sued by its denomination over the church’s attempt to take the property. That lawsuit has been proceeding now for two years. A simple arbitration agreement would have reduced the legal fees on both sides to one percent of what they face today and still building. Of course, because of the ongoing litigation, we cannot comment … other than to say, “You are acting like schoolyard urchins fighting over an abandoned kitten, with one pulling the head and another the tail.”
The Apostle Paul set the standard for sticking the landing in Acts 20:32-38, when he said goodbye to the church at Ephesus –
32 “So now, brethren, I commend you to God and to the word of His grace, which is able to build you up and give you an inheritance among all those who are sanctified. 33 I have coveted no one’s silver or gold or apparel. 34 [i]Yes, you yourselves know that these hands have provided for my necessities, and for those who were with me. 35 I have shown you in every way, by laboring like this, that you must support the weak. And remember the words of the Lord Jesus, that He said, ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’
36 And when he had said these things, he knelt down and prayed with them all. 37 Then they all wept [j]freely, and fell on Paul’s neck and kissed him, 38 sorrowing most of all for the words which he spoke, that they would see his face no more. And they accompanied him to the ship. “
Acts 20 Paul’s Goodbye to the Ephesians
Exit, Stage Up!
Take stock of how Paul exited the Ephesians and consider what changes you can bring into your ministry today. If you’re starting a new ministry, plan how you will stick the landing on both feet, with both arms lifted in praise to God for the effective ministry God has done and will do.
Pastor Jim
Postscript: This blog is dedicated to grandson, Jaden, who, in our after school Skype study table, lets me blog while he stays on a task.
“Overstuffed Sunday”: Situational Awareness
It was Christmas Cantata Sunday. The congregation felt the energy of the choir and orchestra guests visiting from a local university. The choir stood on both sides of the church and launched the worship experience with rendition that would give Handel chills. As the pastor processed in to start the service, she didn’t see a shadow following her threatening to devour the benefits of the visiting musicians and choir.

What could possibly, with the orchestra, visiting musicians, choir turn the sanctuary into a “shark tank”? The truth -the pastor brought her own shark into worship experience. Her own attempt to prove that she does effective work as a pastor provided the fuel for her lack of her situational awareness that may shorten her tenure at the church. {Disclaimer: Today’s blog is a composite of experiences over the last twenty churches visited. This does not single out any one male, female or a particular church or denomination. It is a common problem.}
Following the the enraptured choir processional, the pastor that Sunday marched the isle with a full manuscript sermon, a children’s sermon, a notated sharing of prayer requests and pastoral readings through the cantata. After the congregation sat, the pastor rattled through a whole page of church announcements.
Tony Hughes, in his blog “Snatching Defeat from the Jaws of Victory” wrote, “So, how do sales people manage to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory after they’ve done so much good work to develop an opportunity and establish value? ”
How do pastors miss the cue? In the above worship service, the pastor failed to notice that the orchestra stopped smiling during the pastoral announcements. While the congregation appreciated the naming of Brother Smith’s upcoming hernia repair and the Sister Mary’s holiday depression, the orchestra sat stone-faced.
During the pastor’s children sermon to three children, the orchestra and visiting choir sat as silent observers. Pastor and her assistant spelled JOY out of candy canes then asked the children to explain what the letters meant. The kids answered, “Joy?”
“Yes!”, said the pastor, explaining that each child will receive a chocolate candy cane. Then pastor answered a child who asked, “Do these candy canes really taste like chocolate?” “Yes, they taste like chocolate.”
The pastor held a girl’s hand as she walked the child back to her pew. Upon arrival the girl did not want to be seated; so, the pastor shuffled the girl forward on isle to be seated with the pastor. Meanwhile, the choir and orchestra sat silent.
Finally, the announcements, children’s sermon and prayer requests over, the orchestra launched into a Christmas medley of classic hymns with the choir. On the front row, unseen by the pastor, the lead violinist smiled in the joy of worship. We waited so long in the service to see that smile.

Why do pastors lose their off switch?
The Apostle Paul wrote, “I have the right to do anything,” you say–but not everything is beneficial. “I have the right to do anything”–but not everything is constructive (I Cor 10:23 NIV).
Pastors have Not Learned the Art of Reading Their People
Pastors learn to read their sermon notes so they don’t get lost, but they’re not taught to read the congregation so the people are not lost.
Pastors learn to read their sermon notes so they don’t get lost, but they’re not taught to read the congregation so the people are not lost.
Let’s do a mini-survey. When you last attended church, did the pastor’s animated slide presentation (15 slides and a 12 Bible passages) stop when the point was made and the congregation was moved or did he plow on to the last slide? At that point the sermon turned dry as an overcooked Thanksgiving turkey.
This process of “covering the material” is the clergy version of “You can’t leave the table until the plate is empty.” This leaves everyone staring blankly and wondering when will it end? This is why in other blogs, I have been adverse to “fill-in-the-blank notes” as they guarantee attempts to “cover the material.” As. St. Paul said, “Not everything is beneficial.”
The next culprit – slide presentations lend themselves toward “material covering” sermons. If your goal is “material covering,” save it for your quilting ministry. Over the last half-dozen churches we visited, the pastors have quoted from ten to twelve different Bible passages as though quantity will prove that the pastor said something that stuck.
Pastors Lack the Directed Attention for Those Off Task
You may say, “Jim, I know I’ve been covering material. I don’t know what to do to engage my people. I can see their eyes glazing but what can I do?”
Bruce H. Wilkinson, Founder of Walk Thru the Bible Ministries, wrote the forward in Dr. Howard Hendricks’ “Teaching to Change Lives.” One day in seminary Bruce tested the master professor — he just stared out the window.

Dr. Hendricks, rather than just “covering the material”, walked out from behind the desk.
Wilkinson stared out the window.
Dr. Hendricks drew terrific charts and told jokes. Lots of jokes
Still Wilkinson stared out the window.
Finally, three minutes into this, Dr. Hendricks ran down the aisle and screamed, “Wilkinson! What on earth are you looking at?”
Wilkinson apologized but didn’t tell Dr. Hendricks about the “little experiment” until years later. I recommend “Teaching to Change Lives” as an excellent tool for pastors.
Secrets of Directed Attention
My wife, Carolyn, is a retired elementary principal of an excelling school and a former orchestra teacher. She said the master teachers know how to speak to the class while tapping their nails on the desk of a child who is “looking out the window” or opening the book of a student to the correct page while talking with the class about the subject. The master teacher directs attention through their awareness of each child in the room and that child’s needs.
Pastor Jim gives you permission starting this Sunday …
… Permission to end your sermon at the height of learning
… Permission to use only three of your fifteen Bible verses
… Permission to leave your people wanting more of God and of your message.
At the beginning of your service notes write, “Read the people.” Arrive early in the Sanctuary and begin reading by what the atmosphere is telling you. Is the air conditioning set right? New batteries in your microphone (because you know the old-timer at the sound booth likes to run batteries until they die – with your sermon)? Paper in the restrooms? Coffee urns full? Creamer and sweetener stocked?
In the mid-service, “Read the people.” Are they with you? Are you dragging every verse out of every hymn as though you are leading a funeral dirge?
Mid-sermon and in your notes write – “Read the People.” Plan an “impromptu moment” in every service in which you give God room to work rather than just your “covering the material.”
Pause before you begin your sermon … Read the people. Are they ready? Are you ready? Give a moment of silence before you launch.
Mid-sermon and in your notes write – “Read the People.” Plan an “impromptu moment” in every service in which you give God room to work rather than just your “covering the material.”
Think back to your childhood when you watched “Superman,” “Batman” or “Lost in Space”- episodes which all ended with cliffhangers … “To Be Continued!”
Take your people reading skills to the next level. At your welcome booth, give your church guests a two part perforated response card
Take your people reading skills to the next level. At your welcome booth, give your church guests a two-part perforated response card –

worship leaders.
“You know, I’m just vanilla … but remember … vanilla is the world’s favorite flavor!”
Dr. C.W. Brister, Christian Ministry Professor
Vanilla Extract
You may say, “Jim, is there hope for me and my teaching or preaching?” Looking back, I have made every misstep described above. I remember my first day in Christian Ministry class with Dr. C.W. Brister, Chair of Pastoral Ministry at SWBTS seminary. When I sat in a chair to the side and just behind the professor in the packed classroom, he asked me to move to a chair within his line of sight. Dr. Brister, gentle-spoken and slow-paced, said, “You know, I’m just vanilla … but remember … vanilla is the world’s favorite flavor!” A few weeks later as I walked late to attend chapel at max capacity, a most dynamic voice spoke over the narthex speakers. The voice coaxed and prodded the students, like a lifeguard tossing a life preserver. As I opened the door, to my surprise, as guest preacher that day stood Mr. Vanilla! Dr. Brister that day held each seminarian captive in his line of sight and let me know there was room even for me in God’s service.
Just Vanilla,
Pastor Jim
Hint: If you try the free version of a “Church Experience Feedback Survey,” turn multiple responses to “ON” and no limit to responses. Create a account and copy our “Church Experience Feedback Survey” questions to set up your own survey. Change your settings as described below. This will allow multiple responses from the same device – great for a kiosk.

Church of One Stringed Worship
As you sit in theater seats, preparing for your bulletin and hymnal free worship experience, you see the worship preparations. The drummer sits encased in Plexiglas so as not to offend. Three eight foot LED screens show animated effects of leaves falling and upcoming events. Robotic lights bow in reverent anticipation of the coming worship show.
Four electric guitarists, a bass and keyboard enforce the vocals. Finally, it’s “Go Time” the words scroll on the screen with video clips of wilderness wonders and smiling disciples. The church has arrived at what it thinks is the height of worship – no music director, no hymnals, no printed music. Finally, the church is freed to a true contemporary experience.
A One Stringed Instrument

The worship team didn’t see it coming. Week after week they focused on just being a “group of guys” who loved Jesus and who practiced for worship without structure. On Sunday the first worship song flowed smoothly into the next … and the next. A few old timers sat due to the length of standing. A 50 channel audio and video mixer ensures that the sound and visuals blend perfectly. Wait … there’s a fly in the ointment – “coupled resonance” – Two pendulums suspended from a common support will swing back and forth in intriguing patterns if the support allows the motion of one pendulum to influence the motion of the other.

Unplanned Sameness
The guitarists in the “worship zone” didn’t see it like a frog in heating water. The worshipers sensed it but didn’t want to nay-say the service filled with a stage of musicians and vocalists. Like a pendulum, you could count the hidden issue – 1, 2 ,3, 4 … 1, 2, 3, 4 … 1,2,3,4. In an attempt to sound worshipful, every praise song in the service was 4/4 time.
Some tempos were faster, others slower, but the praise service descended to a uniform “neo-chant” of 4/4 signature. Then to make sure the people receive a full worship experience, the musicians added an extra 15 minutes of “neo-chant” praise songs.
Like pendulums that move almost magically in sync, the musicians desiring to have free worship, with no director, moved in unplanned sameness. The entire congregation, resonating with the musicians, swayed in the same monotonous, one stringed worship.
chef’s table
If you are leading worship, consider yourself a chef in God’s kitchen. Gather a few of your leaders together and watch an episode of Chef’s Table and consider how to add beauty and variety into your service.
Think craft and not quantity. How can the Spirit of creation breath variety into your music service? Take an old hymnal and consider the different tempos, accents and rests as a touchstone to ensure variety in your service. Consult with a professional church musician on how to bring variety to the worship table.
Elect a volunteer musician to serve as “Music Leader” of the month who, working with the pastor, will direct both the worship leaders and the congregation. The Music Leader will not let the congregation escape with mediocre singing. Be willing to stop the music in order to take the singers with you.
Next Sunday, your people will not know how you improved the worship experience, but they will be swaying in resonance with the new worship banquet set before them. Bon Appétit !
See, I am doing a new thing!
Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?
I am making a way in the wilderness
and streams in the wasteland. – Isaiah 43:19
Pastor Jim
Jesus & Speeding Tickets
At a church in Sedona, the pastor preached that when he drives, he needs Jesus to take over behind the wheel. Because when he drives his anger and frustration emerge. He encouraged the congregation to turn their motor vehicles over to Jesus. In essence, you would become a passenger with Jesus as the divine Cruise Control.
As I listened to him, I thought if Jesus were born today, would he ever get a speeding ticket? While driving on Dove Valley Parkway in Phoenix, would he drive the legal limit while raging drivers tailgated him and flashed lights to pass? Here is how it would have played out …
“And the 12 interns of Jesus followed him in his crimson sparkle red Kia Soul (custom plate “4GIVE”) as he traveled the Dove Valley Parkway in moderate traffic. Jesus, late for a speaking engagement at a Scottsdale synagogue, drove ten miles over the limit on the road that ran through pristine desert.
While at the lunch, one of the interns clicked on his phone video and interviewed Jesus on why he drove over the speed limit. “Was it a sin?”
Jesus smiled and said, “The speed limit was made for people and not people for the speed limit. Put some Soul in your drive!”
The Sedona pastor lacked “SOUL” in his message. Attempting to transform human activities into a mindless, soulless default to the Creator, he forgot that “Soul” living means both the upward connection with the Divine and the horizontal relationship with our fellow travelers.
Too many followers seek an “automatic” spiritual life when Jesus drives a 5-speed.

Postscript: For extra credit study the Early Church at its struggle against Gnostic Dualism –

CT Scan
Received results of a one year followup CT. All clear. Results hinted that one day I might die. I think I need a new prescription.
Vaping Atrophy
Scientists have proven that vaping causes atrophy of the wallet.
Mexico: Unlikely Hero
Nathaniel: “Can any good thing come from Nazareth?” - John 1:46
Unlikely Hero – Mexico as haven for affordable US nursing home and long term care for aging Boomers.
Costs for care in a nursing home approach $100,000 per year.

Crowds rush the Border Wall before completion ... as Baby Boomers seek affordable retirement asylum in Mexico!


More Boomers deciding to retire and move to Mexico: Maybe you are one of thousands of Americans retiring and considering moving to Mexico.A new survey done by Expats in Mexico reveals more than 80 percent of baby boomers say they will retire in Mexico.
Yetta Gibson, (3TV/CBS 5) April 25, 2019