The Rise of Christian Zealots
Up next on, I asked Gemini AI to generate this image of a lion dominating a lamb. This captures the rise of Dominion theology to usher the Kingdom of God in by force, if necessary. This ideology preys on Government, churches, schools, Healthcare, and religious freedoms in the name of a militant savior created in the image of zealots. This was the temptation Lucifer gave Jesus Christ – “It belongs to you. You earned it. Seize it and have your own kingdom now!”
I’m reminded of a fanatical pastor in a Baptist church in Phoenix that seized control, claiming superior spiritual authority. Under his leadership, the church never roofed the Sanctuary to give a clear view of rafters and the heavens. When I visited the aftermath and the closed church, pigeons also loved the open rafters. Pigeon manure was the only lasting impact that pastor left.
To be continued…