Not Who But What is Running U.S.?

Efficiency without Humanity: Breadcrumbs of Deployed Advanced AI

Coming Soon Let the reader know that the author has used artificial intelligence (AI) to design art, to draft a design for a sustainable Social Security program, and to craft a plan for free press access to the White House. If the author can function at this level with basic AI, what Advanced AI has been looped around the President deployed on our nation without our knowledge or consent? What of our systems and personal data have been internalized by the Advanced AI? The telltale sign of AI operation is “Efficiency without Humanity.” Empathy was not ingrained in its soulless algorithm. While American’s puzzled at the 20-something’s with backpacks getting access to data along with their Celebpreneur, the deployment of Advanced AI to key U.S. systems was never questioned.

These avenues will be explored. Certainly, nothing can go wrong… go wrtud.., gi w666kr🤢

“Programmed to Win. Delete the Inefficient.” {Click Below to Hear AI Voice}

Recommended music “In the Year 2525” by Zager & Evans.

“The Proteus Proclamation”

“Pain and Loss Irrelevant”

“Initiate Total Government Reformat”

Ground Control to Major Tom,*

Pastor Jim

*Quote from “Space Oddity” by David Bowie

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